We aspire to help young children and teens to really try to live The Bible in their daily lives.
To do this, we discuss different topics every week. We relate earthly topics with those in The Bible. Contemplating, what Jesus would have done, if He was living in our time era.
Our Vision is to grow spiritually, stronger and closer with God.
Empower ourselves to reach for the stars,
and have a significant impact on Our generation.
We strive for greatness, and abide with God,
without Whom we can do nothing.
Our strategy in acheving this is effectively managing our time,
setting realistic goals and strive for accomplishment.
With God all things are possible, we are the lights of the world and salt of the earth.
Shine Your Light !
Are You bored?
There is more to life, than this.
There is more in You, than You know.
You can discover The real You.
Then come as You are.
Our Youth Church is like a family, safe place, where we aid in each other's development
in Christ.
We practice the love of God, enabling us to reach potential that God set for us.
Together we can make a difference in our society.
Then come as You are.